Deep Space porn pic gallery
Liana looks like an alien. In a good meaning. She is hot, stunning and talented teen, that you never-ever can seen in your neighbourhood. She is mesmerize you with her beautiful eyes and sexy smile. And round ass, of course %uD83D%uDE42 But as long as she is posing naked, we can all see her beauty. Her tiny tits are perfect. She knows it. She knows that you are thinking how perfect it would be to fuck her. That is why she is on her knees in the living room, with her eyes closed, waiting for you to fuck her. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I am waiting for you to fuck me." She said. "I thought that was what you wanted?" I said. "I did, but I don't want to do it. I am going to ask you again, but you should answer me." She said. "What do you mean?" I said. "What I mean is, you should tell me you don't want me to suck your dick. I want to hear it from you." She said. "I don't want you to suck my dick, but you are hot. It's a beautiful day. I want to fuck you." I said. "Well, I am hot too. And I am naked, you can fuck me right now." She said. "I am going to fuck you on the couch." I said. "Please, it's a nice couch. Let's fuck on the floor." She said. I love it when she talks like that. "You don't mind that I cum on your face?" I said. "No." She said. I am not going to explain my intentions. You are smart, you can figure it out. I fucked her on the couch. I was happy. And she was too. But I noticed that she had cum on her face. "You like my cum?" I said. "It's your cum, it's my face." She said. "You wanted it?" I said. "I did." She said. "I'm not going to wash your face. I'm going to cum on it." I said. I was sure that she was going to have an orgasm, but it didn't happen. She was on her knees, waiting for me to fuck her again. "I like the cum. It's your cum. You can cum on me any time you want." She said. "I can?" I said. "You can." She said.
